The structure of this course is to give you the basic knowledge needed in order to obtain your concealed weapons permit for the state of Florida.

It will cover the basic laws relating to firearms and use of force. Where you can/can’t carry a CCW, firearm safety, nomenclature, loading/unloading of a firearm, safekeeping of a weapon among several other key points.

At the conclusion of the course all students are required to complete a basic live fire exercise demonstrating that they have learned the basic fundamentals of a firearm and how to properly fire the weapon.

  • Course tuition: $85.00

  • Group Rates are also available

  • Firearm, target and ammunition is included to perform live fire exercise.


“One on One” training.

Often times some students require more of a personable instructor/ time and dedication. There are also students whom won’t be able to attend on weekend courses.

For those situations and many more we offer “one on one” training.

This allows for an un-interrupted training session which will allow for the instructor to properly critique shooter performance and promote shooter development more effectively. The instructor will also have the opportunity to prevent the student from creating training scars from improper training where close supervision would have been beneficial.

  • Price start at $30.00 per hour


We specializes in firearms training.